
As with any community with a long history, Princeton Monthly Meeting has developed treasured traditions over the years.

We have invited Quaker families with young children (and those who are just family-minded) to join us for a weekend of community-building at the Princeton-Blairstown Center (the group shown here is geared up for some time on a climbing wall):


We have several Work Days each year as a response for the stewardship needs of our Property (these are also a wonderful opportunity for fellowship!):


We also help to coordinate an annual egg hunt on Good Friday for the young people whose families are served by the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.

2010 TASK-scene

Another tradition is our Christmas Eve Meeting for Worship.

On Christmas Eve, we welcome all to join us in the candle-lit Meetinghouse for a family-friendly Meeting for Worship. (See the online calendar on our homepage for start time.) We settle into expectant silence, and young friends are particularly welcome; there are almost always some surprises in who finds comfort in the silence. After a period of worship that is somewhat shortened in deference to our very youngest Friends, we undertake a communal reading of the Christmas story, with the text being passed hand to hand amongst the gathered Friends until the story is complete. We then sing carols from caroling books that are available for just this occasion, with Friends sometimes calling out to request a favorite. “Silent Night” is usually the last carol, and with a final period of silence and a rousing round of Christmas greetings, we head to the First Day School building for some shared desserts before heading back to our homes about an hour after initially gathering.