Peace & Social Concerns

Peace and Social Concerns Committee seeks to infuse the Meeting community with the relevance of Quaker testimonies on peace and equality and their applications to local, national, and international issues, particularly toward the reduction of conflict and the use of techniques of reconciliation.

Responsibilities include:

  1. Keeping Meeting informed about peace and social concerns issues occurring locally and nationally and arousing concern about issues
  2. Initiating specific activities as need and opportunity arise and working with local organizations
  3. Cooperating with other groups in the community to faster the proper spirit for most effective join action on social problems, such as racism, affordable housing, and conflict resolution
  4. Making recommendations to Business Meeting about local groups that Meeting might support financially, using funds budgeted for social concerns

Let’s work together!

Anyone from Meeting is welcome at our hybrid monthly committee meetings. These are currently usually taking place on the first Sunday of the month at 12:45.

We also encourage networking within Meeting. To that end, Peace and Social Concerns Committee has a message board/monthly newsletter with Friends’ questions, announcements, and reminders for facilitating social action and collaboration between Meeting members. Click here to see the current edition of the newsletter! If a Member or Attender has a cause or question they would like to share, they should contact