
Princeton Monthly Meeting’s Clerks & Helpers
(2024-25 academic year)

Care & Concerns: Betsy Bennett
Childcare: Irene Rodgers
Fellowship: Nancy Wilson
Friendly Gathering (3SG): Marcia Willsie
Funeral: Joe Taylor
Nominating: Robin Buckingham
Property: Julie Capozzoli
Peace and Social Concerns: Dar Moore
Religious Education: Shelley Krause
Trustees: Ken Tyson
Worship and Ministry: Dan Rodgers

Additional individual roles:
Clerk: Marcia Willsie
Recording Clerk: Dee Lewis
Treasurer: Tony Capozzoli
Associate Treasurer: Ken Tyson
Recorder: Betsy Bennett
Webweaver: Shelley Krause
Property Manager: Luke Nilsson

(Contact information for members and attenders of Princeton Monthly Meeting is available in a directory which is prepared and distributed by the Office Committee in consultation with the clerk of Care & Concerns.)