Princeton Friends’ Meeting House is open for in-person worship at both 9am and 11am on Sundays. All are welcome. Our hybrid Zoom access also continues, and in-person care and religious education for Young Friends is available every week during the 11 o’clock Meeting for Worship. For opportunities to connect with and learn about the Princeton Friends School community, please see their website at
We remain COVID-conscious. Masks are available for use, and Friends are generally able to maintain six feet of distance from each other in the Meeting House. All who prefer to join in worship from a distance are welcome to do so through our regular 11:00 am Zoom link.
Childcare and religious education is available for children during 11:00 worship.
For any meeting offering Zoom access, F/friends can connect starting at about five minutes before the stated beginning time of worship. To connect using a computer or smartphone:
or, go to the Zoom website, select “Join a Meeting,” and enter the following information:
Meeting ID: 609 924 5674
Password: 08540
To connect by telephone only:
Dial 929-205-6099, Meeting ID 6099245674
Because we meet to discuss our meeting’s business on a monthly basis, we are called a “monthly meeting.” To sign up to receive emailed updates from us, complete the form on this page. Princeton Monthly Meeting is a member of a broader collection of 100 or so meetings known as “Philadelphia Yearly Meeting” or “PYM,” and PYM’s calendar of events can be found here: